Unterrichtsmaterialien Englisch: Essay
17 MaterialienIn über 17 Dokumenten und Arbeitsblättern für das Fach Englisch: Essay findest du schnell die passenden Inhalte für deine nächste Stunde. Jetzt kostenlos testen und mehr Materialien nach der Anmeldung entdecken!
17 Materialien
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Topic 1: Digital media literacyTopic 1 starts with a task for all students to conceive and conduct a survey about media usage in class or, if possible, of fellow students in their respective year. Afterwards, students discuss the results and compare them to recent statistics about media usage of young people, especially social media, in Germany and the USA. This is followed by a rather challenging essay – regarding both language and content – by two U.S. American professors of ethics. This text shows how a user of digital technology connects body and mind to this technology through certain devices. At the end, the essay explicitly refers to a video clip which is part of topic 2. Students complete reading comprehension tasks. If desired, it can also be connected with a listening comprehension exercise since the essay is available as podcast on the website. To end topic 1, students are encouraged to start their own blog and post their thoughts, ideas, questions, opinions concerning media throughout the whole sequence, including what is being worked on in the lessons. It might be necessary to irst provide instructions on how to start a blog and how to post according to standard “netiquette”. Students then decide whether their blog will go public or whether it is only open to registered members (of their class). Comments from others should be welcome, so that there can be an exchange about students’ blogging experiences at the end of the sequence. This adds a practical side to media education.
Verwandte Themen
Chapter 11: Strategies for ExamsTypes of Questions in Written Exams; Exams: DOs and DON’Ts; Strategies for Essay Questions; Sample Analysis; Oral Exams; Exercises
Check your textÜberprüfe deinen Text – Tipps und Tricks; Check your text – tips and tricks; Finding mistakes; Looking for mistakes; Test: How good is your concentration?; Sense or nonsense?; Kevin’s bad day; An essay for school; Feedback on your letter; Feedback on your text; Feedback on your story
Is there a European Dream?M10 The American Dream vs the European Dream; M11 How to write an essay
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